An MMI is a multiple mini interview and ProspectHR MMI is the sole proprietor of this proven style of candidate interviewing.
Our MMI takes a candidate through 8-10 carefully selected interview stations in person (MMI) or online (vMMI). At each station a candidate reads a scenario and share their insights with the station interviewer. Interviewers independently score and rank each candidate in real time. Station topics are chosen from our library of over 600 expertly written and vetted scenarios; each designed to uncover hidden but essential soft skills as well as leadership character critical for entry level to senior roles.
After decades of development and success in the marketplace, Prospect HR MMI is the proven, turnkey interview system that makes identifying critical soft skills simple and easy. Professionals have found that our system helps transform organizational culture one interview, one recruit, and one leader at a time by reducing selection bias, increasing diversity and selecting for soft skills.
ProspectHR MMI began at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University in 2002 when a team began developing a new, innovative way to interview and recruit for critical soft skills.
There are currently 150 peer reviewed publications authored by respected researchers around the world on the value of the MMI for soft skills assessment.
# of "ready to use", vetted scenarios written by experts in our question bank
# of candidates interviewed using ProspectHR MMI
# of years of continuous research, development and improvement
All Rights Reserved | ProspectHR MMI