The company maintains and expands an excellent bank of relevant stations ...and in addition to the brief scenario, each station contains information for the interviewer that can guide the discussion with the applicant and help in assessing performance.
The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto conducted a pilot test of the MMI in 2009. Based on the results of that trial, the Faculty adopted the MMI as the interview component of its admission process in 2010 and continues its use to the present. The resources and services available to us from ProFitHR* enhanced our ability to maintain the high quality of our admissions interviewing method. The company maintains and expands an excellent bank of relevant stations that are accessed via the portal. In addition to the brief scenario, each station in the bank contains information for the interviewer that can guide the discussion with the applicant and help in assessing performance. The portal also contains documents and a video for interviewer training, an updated bibliography and a “scheduler” which assists in planning. ProFitHR has contributed to an integral part of our admissions process. The company is actively pursuing new delivery methods and new tools for improving the MMI and other aspects of the admission process. These efforts consist of collaborative research with universities and partnerships with other companies. We have enjoyed being a part of this collaborative approach. *ProFitHR now operating as ProspectHR MMI. Andrea Cameron Faculty Lead – Interviewing Process Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy University of Toronto
- Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy University of Toronto
Hamilton Paramedic Service has been using the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) process for 7 has consistently resulted in high-quality paramedic recruits.
After a preliminary applicant qualification screen and job-specific written examination, we utilize the MMI process to further reduce the candidate pool to those best suited for success within our service. With more than 600 applicants every year competing for a small number of positions this tool has proven itself to be effective in terms of cost and staff time. During our largest hire process, we successfully used MMI to complete a comprehensive screening of 150 applicants over a three day period. More importantly, when followed by a Personal Suitability interview, the MMI process has consistently resulted in high-quality paramedic recruits, having a positive impact on our workplace culture while serving our City.
Michael Sanderson, Chief, Hamilton Paramedic Service
We have been using this MMI process for over 5 years...after researching options, we decided to try the MMI process and have noticed a dramatic spike in retention (nearly 100%) and increased student success.
We were initially going to forego interviews altogether as we did not find the traditional-style interviews we were holding to be effective in our physician assistant program. However, after researching options, we decided to try the MMI process and have noticed a dramatic spike in retention (nearly 100%) and increased student success (all but one student passed our national certification examination on their first attempt) over the past 5 years since implementation. It’s too easy to “prepare” for a traditional-style interview which will not always provide an accurate assessment of an applicant. The cases/scenarios available through ProFitHR* for use with the MMI process have allowed us to better assess the soft skills that are important in the success of our students. In addition, when polling each group of applicants at the completion of each interview day, nearly all applicants feel that this process is more enjoyable and less stressful overall than a traditional type of interview. Richard Hopkins, MPAS, PA-C Department Chair, Program Director University of Findlay Physician Assistant Program * ProFitHR now operating as ProspectHR MMI.
University of Findlay Physician Assistant Program
I benefited firsthand from the use of MMIs in the recruitment and selection processes undertaken by the Hamilton Fire Department during my tenure as Fire Chief. We routinely received hundreds of applications from well-qualified candidates each year. Without a doubt, the MMI assessment process proved to be invaluable from an effectiveness, employee engagement and efficiency perspective. It allowed us to glean relevant insights into prospective Fire Fighters with an assessment instrument that had been vetted through rigorous evaluations by university researchers. The process assessed candidates for their soft skill competencies, attitudes and character - attributes that go beyond the technical competencies of the position. There is nothing more important than hiring the right people for Fire Fighting roles, individuals who are able to look after others in their time of need. The MMI allowed us to engage staff from literally all levels of our organization, and by extension, those involved in the process felt empowered by our participatory approach to recruitment. Importantly, from a Labour Management perspective, our frontline workforce felt more involved and genuinely pleased to have an opportunity to contribute to the future direction of our organization. From an efficiency standpoint, using the MMI process, enabled us to assess face-to-face up to 200 qualified candidates in a recruitment cycle, in far less time than our traditional interview panel process. Lastly, and equally important, the MMI can be customized to meet the requirements of numerous occupations. Truly, MMI assessments are a value-added component to the employee selection process and should be considered by those HR practitioners who have responsibilities for staffing and workforce planning.
- Robert Simonds, Retired Fire Chief, City of Hamilton
ProspectHR MMI has provided a reliable tool to assist our medical student selection process at Stanford Medicine. Having used the ProspectHR MMI products for MMI for over 5 years, we appreciate ProspectHR MMIs creative infrastructure that consistently develops scenarios addressing the most relevant issues impacting society and medicine today.
- Stanford MD Admissions Team
Overall it was a good experience, that yielded good results. The scenarios were crucial in pulling it off and I do thank your team for all the hard work they put into crafting and designing their scenarios. Morgan Ely Director of Pharmacy Admissions
- University of Houston College of Pharmacy
The MMI program allowed us to see a much broader pool of candidates and allowed those with diverse backgrounds the opportunity to excel and receive top scores. These were candidates that may not have made it through a traditional paper screening had we been limited to seeing a smaller number of candidates. Our Fire Chief was very impressed with the caliber and diversity of candidates that rose to the top through the MMI process.
- Dana Ure, Human Resources Manager, City of Guelph
The UT College of Pharmacy adopted ProspectHR MMI for use in our Multiple Mini-Interviews for the 2015 PharmD admissions cycle. An implementation team from an MMI task force was responsible for evaluating, selecting and adapting scenarios in the ProspectHR MMI database for US Pharmacy. The scenarios were excellent and easily adapted. The questions and background information provided with each scenario provided interviewers with ample information to help maintain interview dialog. Furthermore, the text covered the nine core attributes that our faculty members had previously determined were essential for PharmD students. Additionally, there was a large variety of resources available on the website for planning the logistics of the MMI and for training of evaluators and applicants. These were important time-savers for our team. Our first MMI cycle went exceptionally well according to all stakeholders. Thanks to ProspectHR MMI.
- Dr. Richard E. Wilcox, PhD. Assistant Dean for Admissions and Advising and Professor of Neuropharmacology, College of Pharmacy, University of Texas at Austin
I found the ProspectHR MMI recruitment program incredibly useful and reliable in identifying soft skills. We used it with tremendous success when running internal promotional competitions to discern key values and characteristics in candidates from diverse areas of knowledge and expertise. Where hard skills are easier to identify and measure, and experienced candidates develop skills in interview situations which make differentiation challenging, the MMI is instrumental in providing ‘playing-field-levelling’ questions which are incredibly revealing of candidates’ soft skills and value systems. Building an organization’s culture of equity and diversity means you have to find and promote those individuals who reflect and will support those important attributes. The MMI is instrumental in enabling the success of this strategy.
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