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In our recently published White Paper “Recruiting the Best: It’s not Who You Interview, It’s How” we give an overview of how the MMI works. Here’s an excerpt:
The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) consists of a circuit in which 8-10 candidates cycle through 8-10 mini-interviews, each one with its own scenario and evaluator. Candidates have 1-2 minutes to read the interview scenario, then 5 to 8 minutes to discuss their responses with the evaluator. When their time to answer the scenario is over, they transition to the next mini-interview with a new evaluator, while their previous interviewer scores their performance.
Their MMI is complete when they have responded to all of the scenarios in the circuit. The interview scenarios are designed to assess soft skills such as accountability, empathy, collaboration and teamwork, ethical and moral judgment, self-awareness, problem solving, resilience, communication skills and conflict resolution.
The scenarios are written and vetted by subject matter/MMI experts and include probing questions, evaluation criteria, as well as the background and theory that supports the scenario. The candidate presents their opinion on the scenario and the interviewer has the tools to guide the interview and their assessment.
To read the full White Paper please visit
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