One of our core ideals at ProspectHR MMI is to highlight the “human” in Human Resources. To accomplish this, we have built the dominant MMI in North America not by adding more widgets but by staying singularly focused on the unique skills and empathy that come with being human.
While we appreciate algorithms, software and online bots for what they can bring to many aspects of our lives, we believe these technologies can be limiting in the interview process.
Humans make the very best interviewers in an MMI whether it is in-person or online.
Which leads to the question, which humans?
Some of our clients select only in-house staff to be interviewers. And while this practice makes sense we believe there is a missing group at the table.
What group?
Community members.
Adding community members into your MMI or vMMI interview pool is critical for a number of reasons:
McMaster University has included community members along with in-house staff since the inception of the MMI. When asked why, McMaster University Medical School TITLE, Jack Rosenfeld says, “The candidates that we accept into our medical school will be students with us for a few years. But ultimately they will serve the community for decades. Having community members be part of the MMI or vMMI selection process respects the critical role these candidates will have in the life of the community and shares the responsibility of choosing individuals who will serve best.”
Want to discuss the idea of enhancing your MMI or vMMI interview team with community members? Reach out and let’s start a conversation.
Want to explore this idea more? Check out:
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