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December 4, 2020

Published evidence behind ProspectHR MMI

There are currently 180 publications on the MMI in peer reviewed journals, authored by researchers from around the world. The research demonstrates that the MMI is a reliable and valid soft skills assessment system, does not disadvantage applicants from under-represented minorities, and enhances diversity in the candidates selected. The research also indicates that the MMI is effective with interview times as low as 5 minutes.

The following peer reviewed references provide the conclusions from a sample of published articles on the effectiveness and efficiency of the MMI assessment system.

Do admissions multiple mini interview and traditional interview scores predict subsequent academic performance? A study of five California medical schools  Jerant A, Henderson MC, Griffin E, Hall TR, Kelly CJ, Peterson EM, Wofsy D, Tancredi DJ, Sousa FJ, Franks P Acad Med 2019, 94(3):388-395
Conclusion: MMI scores were more strongly associated with subsequent academic performance measures than were traditional interview scores.

The Multiple Mini Interview as a Dental School Admission Tool: Can It Predict Noncognitive Traits Associated with Professional Behaviors?  Duff RE, Katcher PA, Daniels RM, Ramaswamy V. J Dent Educ 2020, 84(4):478-485
Conclusion:  The study found that the MMI was a reliable and valid tool that predicted key behavioral traits associated with professionalism in dental students.

Multiple mini interview predictive validity for performance on a pharmacy licensing examination
Cameron AJ, MacKeigan LD, Mitsakakis N, Pubsley JA Med Educ 2017, 51(4):379-389
Conclusion: These findings, from a single cohort of undergraduates, provide the first report of the predictive validity of the MMI for performance on pharmacy licensure examinations and thereby strengthen the evidence for its use in health professions selection.

Association between a medical school admission process using the multiple mini interview and national licensing examination scores  Eva KW, Reiter HI, Rosenfeld J, Trinh K, Wood TJ, Norman GR JAMA 2012, 308(21):2233-2240
Conclusion: Compared with students who were rejected by an admission process that used MMI assessment, students who were accepted scored higher on Canadian national licensing examinations.

Versatility in Multiple Mini-Interview Implementation: Rater Background Does Not Significantly Influence Assessment Scoring  Baker KD, Sabo RT, Rawls M, Feldman M, Santen SA Med Teach 2020, 42(4):411-415
Conclusion:  The MMI process for the 2018 admissions cycle at the VCU School of Medicine was analyzed:  578 applicants were interviewed by 126 raters from five distinct backgrounds: clinical faculty, basic science faculty, medical students, medical school administrative staff, and community members.  Interviewer background did not significantly influence MMI evaluative performance scoring, which eliminates a potential concern about the consistency and reliability of assessment.

Implementation of a Modified Multiple Mini-Interview Method to Assess Non-Cognitive Qualities during Resident Candidate Interviews Henneman A & Haines S Curr Pharm Teach Learn 2020, 12(5):585-589
Conclusion:  Virtual MMIs break the barriers of conventional MMIs and appear able to attain an acceptable level of effectiveness.  Candidate students are familiar and comfortable with online tools and travel costs are self-evidently reduced.  The important features of MMIs, such as number of stations, number of candidates and station length, can be retained in the virtual adaptation.  Some remaining challenges include the limitations of virtual MMIs in assessing some specific candidate characteristics such as stress tolerance in an unfamiliar environment.  Nonetheless, a virtual version of the MMI for medical school admission is feasible and can be implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Effective time management, selected scenarios, trained staff, and effective technology are the essential keys to success.

Development and assessment of the multiple mini interview in a School of Pharmacy admissions model
Cox WC, McLaughlin, JE, Singer D, Lewis M, Dinkins MM Am J Pharm Educ 2015, 79(4):53-60
Conclusion: This study provides additional support for the use of the MMI as an admissions tool in pharmacy education.

The effect of differential weighting of academics, experiences, and competencies measured by multiple mini interview (MMI) on race and ethnicity of cohorts accepted to one medical school  Terregino CA, McConnell M, Reiter HI Acad Med 2015, 90(12):1651-1657
Conclusion: Sole reliance on the MMI for final admissions decisions, after threshold academic/experiential preparation are met, promotes diversity with the accepted applicant pool.

Assessment of non-clinical attributes in paramedicine using multiple mini interviews  Tavares W & Mause J Emerg Med J 2015, 32(1):70-75
Conclusion: The MMI demonstrated evidence of reliability and validity for the assessment of non-clinical attributes in paramedic contexts. Non-clinical attributes and paramedic skills are likely distinct but related constructs, each contributing to the construct of paramedic practice.

A comparison of behavioral and multiple mini interview formats in physician assistant program admissions
Jones PE & Forister JG Physician Assist Educ 2011, 22(1):36-40
Conclusion: In this study the multiple mini-interview format was a more reliable admissions tool in detecting latent professionalism attributes among Physician Assistant program applicants. The multiple mini-interview format appeared to measure professional potential and organizational fit better than the behavioral interview format.

Validity MMI scores: Are we measuring multiple attributes?  Oliver T, Hecker K, Hausdorf PA, Conlon P Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2014, 19(3):379-392
Conclusion: The results provide validity evidence for assessing multiple non-cognitive attributes during the MMI process and reinforce the importance of developing MMI stations and scoring rubrics for attributes identified as important for future success in school and practice.

The multiple mini interview: How long is long enough?  Dodson M, Crotty B, Prideaux D, Carne R, Ward A, deLeeuw E Med Educ 2009, 43(2):168-174
Conclusion: Reducing the duration of the MMI stations from 8 to 5 minutes conserves resources with minimal effect on applicant ranking and test reliability.

Development and pilot testing of a multiple mini interview for admission to a pharmacy degree program
Cameron AJ & MacKeigan LD Am J Pharm Educ 2012, 76(1): Article 10
Conclusion: MMI feasibility was confirmed, based on the finding that interview scores were reliable and this admissions tool measures different attributes than do the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) and Prepharmacy Average (PPA).

Assessment of applicants to the veterinary curriculum using a multiple mini interview method  Hecker K, Donnon T, Fluentealba C, Hall D, Illanes O, Morock DW, Muelling C J Vet Med Educ 2009, 36(2):166-173
Conclusion: This analysis provides preliminary evidence of the reliability, validity, and acceptability of the MMI in assessing the noncognitive attributes of applicants for veterinary medical school admissions.

Assessment of non-cognitive traits through the admission multiple mini interview  Lemay JF, Lockyer JM, Collin VT, Brownell AK Med Educ 2007, 41(6):573-579
Conclusion: The MMI is able to assess different non-cognitive attributes and our study provides additional evidence for its reliability and validity. The MMI offers a fairer and more defensible assessment of applicants to medical school than the traditional interview.

Multiple mini interview: Opinions of candidates and interviewers  Humphrey S, Dowson S, Wall D, Diwakar V, Goodyear HM Med Educ 2008,42(2):207-213
Conclusion: Both candidates and interviewers agreed that the MMI format was reliable, fair and asked appropriate , easy-to-understand questions.

First experience with multiple mini interview for medical school admission in Brazil: Does in work in a different cultural scenario?  Daniel-Filho DA, Pires EMSG, Paes AT, Trosler EJ, Silva SCABS, Granato MF, Cout TB, Barreto JKS, Campes AH, Mente JCM, Schrartsman C Med Teach 2017, 39:1033-1039
Conclusion: A significant majority of the applicants (98%) and all the raters believed MMIs were important in selecting students with a more adequate profile to study medicine. The general reliability of the selection process was excellent and it was fully accepted by the applicants and raters (School of Medicine Sao Paulo, Brazil).

The multiple mini interview for selecting medical residents: First experience in the Middle East region
Ahmed A, Qayed KI, Abdulrahman M, Tavares W, Rosenfeld J Med Teach 2014, 36(8):703-709
Conclusion: The MMI offers a fair and more reliable assessment of applicants to medical residency programs. The present data show that this assessment technique applied in a non-western country and Arab culture still produced reliable results.

The multiple mini interview: A possible solution to problems associated with the interview process for a selected entry Allied Health Program  Cope PY, Clendon S, Nicholson T J Allied Health 2017, 46(4):91-95
Conclusion: Overall, applicants indicated that they found the MMI process to be fair, simple and non-threatening. The faculty members who interviewed the students also indicated that the process was fairer than the traditional interview, easier for them to manage because they could focus on one specific aspect of the interview process, and gave them the opportunity to meet all of the applicants.

Multiple mini interviews predict clerkship and licensing examination performance  Reiter HI, Eva KW, Rosenfeld J, Norman GR Med Educ 2007, 41(4):378-384
Conclusion: The MMI complements pre-admission cognitive measures to predict performance outcomes during clerkship and on the Canadian national licensing examination.

Does practice make perfect? The effect of coaching and retesting on selection tests used for admission to an Australian medical school  Griffin, B, Harding DW, Wilson IG, Yeomans ND Med J Aust 2008, 189(5):270-273
Conclusion: Coaching was ineffective in improving MMI scores, with coached candidates actually having a significantly lower score on one of the nine interview tasks (stations). A substantial number of Australian medical school applicants attend coaching before undertaking entry selection tests, but our study shows that coaching does not assist and may even hinder their performance on an MMI.

Reliability and Acceptability of the Multiple Mini-Interview for Selection of Residents in Cardiology  Burgos LM, DE Lima AA, Parodi J, Costabel JP, Ganiele MN, Durante E, Arceo MD, Gelpi R  J Adv Med Educ Prof 2020, 8(1):25-31
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