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ProspectHR MMI: Integration of Culture and Language Success Story

Sharon Ricci • January 11, 2024

Irrespective of the language or cultural context of your institution, municipality, or company, ProspectHR MMI can serve as the key to selecting applicants with soft skills that enhance your team and advance your organizational culture. 

In this blog, we will delve into how we have achieved the following: 

  1. Enabled the deployment of ProspectHR MMI in both Spanish and English. 
  2. Validated the functionality of our MMI in diverse non-North American cultures. 3. Demonstrated the efficacy of our MMI in a non-medical university setting. 

Enabled the deployment of ProspectHR MMI in both Spanish and English. 

A notable milestone occurred when one of our newest clients, Ponce University, embraced ProspectHR MMI with a unique challenge: Conduct the MMI in Spanish. Until then, our MMIs had been exclusively implemented in English.


The ProspectHR MMI team collaborated closely with Ponce to create a Spanish version for all of the MMI stations they chose. Each translation underwent meticulous scrutiny for accuracy and clarity, resulting in flawless outcomes. 

Building on the positive experience with Ponce, we are now confidently offering the ProspectHR MMI in Spanish, maintaining the same high level of accuracy as the original English version—an exciting achievement. 

Validated the functionality of our MMI in diverse non-North American cultures. 

Welcoming the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a client marked a significant achievement for our team. We successfully implemented an MMI with distinct cultural differences from our North American base. 

The UAE's Public Health Department sought a method to select based on identified soft skills which had previously not been considered effectively. This requirement made our MMI the natural choice. Customizing the process to seamlessly align with the UAE's culture presented an expected challenge. However, the results were stellar, with the MMI integrating seamlessly into the UAE recruitment process and their non-North American culture. 

This seamless integration demonstrates that teams worldwide can effortlessly incorporate the ProspectHR MMI into their processes, regardless of their location. 

Demonstrated the efficacy of our MMI in a non-medical university setting.

Originally developed for medical schools, the ProspectHR MMI expanded organically into other health science areas and the employment sector including recruitment for firefighters, paramedics, soft service workers, project managers, transit operators and leadership roles as evidence mounted for its effectiveness. 

Recently, New York University (NYU) became the first non-medical PhD program to incorporate our MMI into their rigorous assessment process. Very different in culture and approach from MD programs, PhD programs typically prioritize grades and publishing. NYU, however, aimed to recruit Ph.D. candidates who exhibited both high academic achievement and essential soft skills. To assess these soft skills, the NYU team turned to ProspectHR MMI.


The results were impressive, as the NYU team, for the first time in its history, included soft skill evaluation in their process, thanks to the flexibility and effectiveness of the ProspectHR MMI. 

In conclusion: 

Whether your team operates in English or Spanish or within a culture vastly different from North American or medical contexts, our MMI has proven effective in deployment and implementation. 

When your team is ready to explore innovative and proven hiring and recruitment methods, please reach out. Our experts are eager to discuss our process, history, and the tangible results behind our approach.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

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